CambridgeCentreForProteomics / camprotR
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Ts add vignettes #37

Closed TomSmithCGAT closed 2 years ago

TomSmithCGAT commented 2 years ago

@csdaw - Would you mind taking a look at the SILAC vignette. If you have longer comments you don't want to add here, happy to talk in person

csdaw commented 2 years ago

Going through code and text now. Just a first thing, am I okay to remove objects that are created but never used? e.g.

TomSmithCGAT commented 2 years ago

Why would you want to do that? Random objects help to force the reader to work through it all properly and identify where the inefficiencies are 😜

csdaw commented 2 years ago

By that logic we should put an error at the very end, and the reader has only understood if they can fix it!

TomSmithCGAT commented 2 years ago

Don't tempt me..

csdaw commented 2 years ago

I've made lots of very pedantic small changes but nothing major like adding or removing content. It reads well and I think its fine as is (although will probably get feedback once someone who is not you or me works through the vignette).

I've done the following to the code:

And the following to the text:

TomSmithCGAT commented 2 years ago

All looks good to me. @csdaw, you happy if I squash and merge?

csdaw commented 2 years ago

@TomSmithCGAT Go for it!