Camelcade / Perl5-IDEA

Perl5 plugins for IntelliJ IDEA
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External libraries not available for run/test configs #2569

Closed scop closed 1 year ago

scop commented 1 year ago

External libraries in Languages & Frameworks -> Perl5 -> Project -> Perl5 don't seem to take effect in run configurations, neither is there a place in run configurations to configure another set.

I have all of Bundle::Camelcade installed, but all of it is installed in a location that I add through the above "External libraries" section (it's a direnv managed one). Works otherwise in the IDE, code completion, xsubs, etc. But run configs, e.g. for the tests fail because kind of nothing is found.

.../bin/perl .../bin/prove -PPassEnv --formatter TAP::Formatter::Camelcade --merge --recurse --ext .pl --jobs 3 ...
Testing started at 13.20 ...
Can't load module PassEnv at .../bin/prove line 13.

Screenshot from 2023-02-01 13-59-15

I think this used to work sometime in the past, but then again I've switched from a plenv managed environt to a direnv managed one, so it was likely broken in that transition (no external libraries fiddling was needed in the plenv setup).

scop commented 1 year ago

(Reproduces also with GoLand and Perl5 plugin 2022.3.2.)