CameronBodine / PINGMapper

Open-source interface for processing recreation-grade side scan sonar datasets and reproducibly mapping benthic habitat
MIT License
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Problem with Tensorflow Module upon Attempted Update #92

Closed AdrianPinchbeck closed 1 year ago

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

I attempted to update to new version, but seemed to have an issue with updating the environment. I tried a new install in a different directory using the libmamba solver, but also had issues, and installed using classic instead. Unfortunately I now seem to be having a problem with the module tensorflow.keras. I've been down a number of rabbit holes trying to correct the issue without success. Just wondered if you have any pointers? Adrian image

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting Adriane. Do you remember what the issues were with libmamba?

It looks like your environment is either missing Keras or there is a mismatch in versions between tensorflow and keras.

Can you run 'conda list' in the ping environment and check that keras and tensorflow versions match? And report the output please.

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't recall the actual issue, I did attempt to record some of the screen errors, but the capture didn't work! Conda List reports thus: image

and Keras: image

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

Ok give this a try:

conda install keras=2.13.0

If that doesn't work, try removing the ping environment with

conda remove --name ping --all

then clean miniconda

conda clean --all

then update miniconda

conda update -n base conda

clean again

conda clean --all

update pip

pip install --upgrade pip

get libmamba up and running again

conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba

then try reinstalling ping

conda env create --file conda/PINGMapper.yml

If you can keep track of errors as they arise and report them, that will help a lot! Thanks for helping me debug!!!!

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Thanks Cameron, going through your suggestions: Installing keras 2.13.0 didn't work, received packages not found error: image

Going through your further suggestions, until the update pip stage, then received the following error (I think that I may need to correct by logging in as Administrator, but not attempted as yet - your thoughts?): image

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

Hmm, give this a try:

conda install pip

You should have write access to that folder. Strange indeed!

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Just realised that I forgot the second clean --all after updating conda. I could clean again before your above conda install pip?

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Checked the Attributes for the Site Packages folder and found that it is marked up as 'Read Only', together with all it's sub-directories. I'm going to uncheck the Attributes bullet, and try pip install --upgrade pip again... Wish me luck!

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

Good luck!

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Having no luck so far! Changing attributes via Windows, making sure all permissions etc. are available to the top of the tree, and having default administrator rights anyway, I'm running in to failure so far. Attributes are checked in grey for Anaconda3 directory and sub-directories (not black), further up the tree in black. Unfortunately I don't have much time this week to progress through the issue during the day, but I'll keep you informed of progress tomorrow evening again. Almost time for bed now, but thanks again for your help to date.

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

One thing could try is uninstalling miniconda and reinstalling, making sure to select Install for: Just Me (recommended). Also, maybe you are using Anaconda instead of miniconda? I have had a lot more success with Miniconda. Keep me posted and I will help as much as possible!


AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

I've been using the full Anaconda3 installation, so potentially run into some conflict/s somewhere. Have uninstalled it, and currently installing Miniconda3 as above...

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Okay, I'm getting some different errors this time on the PINGMapper installation I created yesterday. Would it be worth importing a brand new installation at this stage via git?

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Error messages: image

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

My bad. Try running git fetch. Also, there is a simple GUI you could try out, if interested. Run either python or python

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Will take a look at the GUI once have it working if that's okay!! Similar error results after running git fetch (didn't try remove cmocean #92): image

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

That's strange. Can you show me the contents of you PINGMapper folder?

Also, you can manually remove that line in the script. Line 39

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

PINGMapper test folder: image

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

Ok that helps. Looks like it isn't updating. Go ahead and delete the folder, then download the latest version with git clone --depth 1 You may need to update the environment again with this conda env update --file conda/PINGMapper.yml --prune.

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

I've placed hash on line 39 within to form a comment, then saved, but still getting same error when running the test:


AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Ah okay, I may place it in a new folder altogether.

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

I was also wondering if you may be editing one version of PINGMapper then running a version in a different folder. I do that all the time!!!

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

I did wonder that myself, but checking the navigation all seemed to correspond correctly. Might be wise to relocate any old directories within a separate archive directory to change the path for better housekeeping?

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

That wouldn't hurt. You will know if you have the latest version downloaded if the new gui scripts are in the PINGMapper folder:

(base) PS C:\Users\bodin\Python\Test> git clone --depth 1
Cloning into 'PINGMapper'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 58, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (58/58), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (54/54), done.
remote: Total 58 (delta 3), reused 34 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (58/58), done.

(base) PS C:\Users\bodin\Python\Test> cd .\PINGMapper\
(base) PS C:\Users\bodin\Python\Test\PINGMapper> ls

    Directory: C:\Users\bodin\Python\Test\PINGMapper

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM                conda
d-----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM                docs
d-----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM                exampleData
d-----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM                procData
d-----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM                src
d-----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM                utils
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM            246 .gitignore
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM            835 default_params.json
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM          11086
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM          13960
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM           1095 LICENSE
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM          10227
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM          11554
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM           5185
-a----          9/5/2023  11:13 AM          11345
AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

The test is running. I did notice a message during the mosaic section that I'll check over. We're back in business though - I may need a little lie down!


CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

Good to hear! I'm sorry it was such a pain! Yes, I need to get that warning taken care of. It won't affect anything for you though.

AdrianPinchbeck commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all your input Cameron, it must have been a pain for you too! Yes, both mosaics seem to have been created successfully. I'll probably go through it all in more detail tomorrow, so I'll go now and have a stiff drink before bed - rum. Thanks again, and I'm planning to place a good result post on here in connection with that ghost gear I mapped the other week....

CameronBodine commented 1 year ago

It's always an adventure getting folks up and running! Looking forward to your post! Cheers!

I'll close this issue now. Please make another if needed.