Cameronwasnthere / Strange-Berries

A Fabric and Quilt mod which adds a variety of unique berries and bushes to Minecraft
MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link

Balancing Proposal #9

Open Dumpling00 opened 1 month ago

Dumpling00 commented 1 month ago

Hello! Big fan of your mod, been using it for months now alongside a bunch of friends in our own little server.

We were talking about it the other day, and thought the berries might be a little too easy to overfarm - It becomes really easy to get full stacks of berries and, even though you can't eat multiple at once, it's really just as easy as eating another every time the effects of the previous one dissipate, in order to be with essentially a permanent buff.

This is especially true when the modpack has other mods that enhance your inventory space, like backpacks.

We were thinking, if at all possible, this could be mitigated by restricting players to only eat x amount of berries per day (Configurable?) before throwing up and feeling sick / getting damage. This would also encourage strategical use of the berries.

Main reason we suggest this is because we find it deeply undermines the whole brewing process. No much point in going through the trouble to brew three invisibility potions (for example) that will grant you up to 9 minutes of invisibility, when you can simply carry a stack of 64 invisibility berries (or more) and eat one every 10 seconds. This is a bit clunkier, sure, but when weighted with the cost of brewing and the fact that potions can't stack, it ultimately becomes the better way to consume berries and benefit from their effects.

This is why we think allowing the player to put a cap on how many berries can be consumed daily before getting sick (other than eating multiple berries while other effects are still applied) could solve this issue and entice more people toward the brewing route.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Cameronwasnthere commented 1 month ago

Hi there! I greatly appreciate your support by using my mod and it's heartwarming to hear that you use it on your own server with your friends.

I totally agree with you when it comes to the berries being very overpowered and unbalanced, it's something I've always thought is a major issue with my mod, however, no one has really commented on it until now so it's problem I've left unattended to ever since I implemented growing/farming mechanics to the berries so I'm glad you've brought this up and reminded me of this issue.

About sorting this problem, your idea of adding a cap to how many berries can be consumed daily before getting sick is a great idea and I'm a big fan of it, making this configurable is also very appealing to me and I think this would be a great way to not only as you mentioned balance the use of these berries but also allow for more customisability for anyone using my mod.

Although, implementing said feature at this time may be difficult for me. I don't want to go into too much detail about my life to avoid boring you but I'm currently studying multiple subjects at college whilst working a part time job during much of my free time spent not studying. Because of this, I've said to myself that I would take time away from working on projects as a whole. Although many people would argue that Strange Berries is a small mod (including myself), I'm no experienced programmer, my knowledge is what I would call quite basic and programming is only a side hobby in my life, in my eyes it's pure luck and coincidence that my mod has grown in popularity over the years. Therefore, my point is that it would likely take me some time to work on this idea and my priority right now would be to update the mod to 1.20.5 and 1.20.6 before considering working on this.

So, to summarise, I really like this change you have proposed with implementing a cap to how many berries can be consumed daily. I would also love to make the amount configurable to allow customisability. However, due to personal reasons, I may not be able to work on this for a while, my priority is to update the mod to 1.20.5 and 1.20.6 then I could consider about working on this.

I am generous for your support and the time you have taken to write this proposal and I hope you understand my situation. Whether I will work on this, I can't confirm nor deny, I don't want to make any promises I can't deliver on, but I will leave this issue open and keep you updated when I can.

Kind regards, Cameron

Dumpling00 commented 4 weeks ago

Totally understandable and absolutely no problem! Please take all the time you need. I wish you all the best and all the good luck. We will be waiting for you! Glad you like the idea!

Keep on rocking.