CamilaRedondo / API-FATEC-3-SEM

Repositório destinado para o desenvolvimento da API do 3º Semestre
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Authentication (Back-end) #15

Open henriqFerreira opened 1 year ago

henriqFerreira commented 1 year ago

The back-end should receive the data passed through requests from the front-end, and then, check the information and return a result in JSON to the front-end wich will either authorize the user or return an error.


sahilrawat001 commented 1 year ago

can you clear about the issue? do you want only authentication for backend?

henriqFerreira commented 1 year ago

can you clear about the issue? do you want only authentication for backend?

Hello @sahilrawat001,

This repository is a graduation project. We're using the issues to organize the tasks, so it's kinda only for the group members. We really appreciate your offer to help us.
