CammiePone / The-Box-Trot

I am living in your barrels
5 stars 2 forks source link

Rendering of Elytra, Cape and Trinkets #4

Open Inqie opened 2 years ago

Inqie commented 2 years ago

MC Fabric 1.18.2 Java 17.0.3 64bit Fabric API 0.56.1 Pehkui 3.3.2 TheBoxTrot 1.3

:: With only the above mods installed :: Behaviour: When moving with the barrel on your head, capes clip through it. Expected: Cape should not render while barrel is equipped.

Behaviour: Elytra renders outside of the barrel and always faces south. When flying, legs disconnect from barrel at the hip. Expected: Elytra should not render and, ideally, flying should be disabled.

:: With the Trinkets (Fabric) mod also installed (v3.3.1) :: Behaviour: Any item in a trinket slot linked to the chest renders outside of the barrel on the south side, identical to the elytra. Expected: Any item in a trinket slot linked to the chest should not render. Ideally, flying should also be disabled for a mod like Elytra Trinket.

This mod can result in hilarious situations, so I really hope these issues can be resolved.