Something I've noticed while working on a game in my own time.
When I save a prefab (essentially reimporting the prefab), the prefabs that were associated as entities in the LDtk project are broken, and an empty GameObject sits in their place as an entity instead. I reimport the LDtk project to fix the issue, but any objects that references the entity within the scene is lost too, so values would need to be re-linked.
This is a high priority issue. It should be fixed in the next update.
Something I've noticed while working on a game in my own time. When I save a prefab (essentially reimporting the prefab), the prefabs that were associated as entities in the LDtk project are broken, and an empty GameObject sits in their place as an entity instead. I reimport the LDtk project to fix the issue, but any objects that references the entity within the scene is lost too, so values would need to be re-linked. This is a high priority issue. It should be fixed in the next update.