Camotoy / BedrockSkinUtility

Fabric mod that allows you to view Bedrock skins and capes
MIT License
40 stars 10 forks source link

Check this out #22

Open Oryxel opened 2 weeks ago

Oryxel commented 2 weeks ago

Hey all good, there is no issues, I just want you guys to check out my fork that including multiple things. Don't want to make a pull request yet since I feel like it still can be improved.

This fork switched to a library that I write to parse models CubeConverter which is also Open-Sourced and based off BlockBench.

There is multiple things that I implement which is the list right here.

There is multiple things that I fix like crashing on Hive, Galaxite, the formatting will not works if it lowercase leftarm instead of leftArm for example. Support for slim skins, since it seems like you guys don't have that. Also introduce perface uv map, since it seems like your parsing only support box uv. Rotation and others.

showcase2 showcase1

Camotoy commented 2 weeks ago

Seems promising. Thanks for the link. Good luck!