CampaignChain / campaignchain

CampaignChain Community Edition
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Windows Installation Issues #459

Open nik01me opened 6 years ago

nik01me commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I am trying to install campaignchain since last 2 months. i tried every version and frankly speaking that the only version i was able to install was Beta 2.0. That was too with so many research and changes.

Dev-master is complete disaster. It give so many errors. you resolve one and stuck in to another. I haven't seen one person here saying that it installed for him. Documentation that you have put is real mess. sometime i wonder, if you have even installed it once after developing it?? If yes, show me step by step. I am using php 7.1 and MySQL for database.

Sorry for yelling. I am just frustrated.

Thanks! Vipin