CampaignChain / campaignchain

CampaignChain Community Edition
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campaignchain installation failed #460

Open nanohealgithub opened 6 years ago

nanohealgithub commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have tried to install campaignchain in centos 7.4, I have tried the following for installation,

PHP version : 5.6 Node version : 6.12.3 bower version : 1.8.4 Java version : 1.8.0_161 MySQL version: 5.6.39 Composer version: 1.6.3

Command : composer create-project --stability=dev campaignchain/campaignchain campaignchain

at the end am getting below bower error and installation is getting failed,


bin/console campaignchain:update:kernel

There is no extension able to load the configuration for "fidry_alicedata
fixtures" (in /var/www/html/campaignchain/app/config/../campaignchain/confi
g/../../../vendor/campaignchain/core/Resources/config/config.yml). Looked f
or namespace "fidry_alice_data_fixtures", found "framework", "security", "t
wig", "monolog", "swiftmailer", "doctrine", "sensio_framework_extra", "asse
tic", "braincrafted_bootstrap", "knp_menu", "knp_paginator", "sc_datetimepi
cker", "fos_user", "fos_js_routing", "sp_bower", "sonata_core", "sonata_blo
ck", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "nelmio_api_doc", "avanzu_admin_theme",
"campaignchain_core", "oneup_uploader", "liip_imagine", "knp_gaufrette", "d
ebug", "web_profiler", "sensio_distribution", "web_server" in /var/www/html
hain/core/Resources/config/config.yml (which is being imported from "/var/w

There is no extension able to load the configuration for "fidry_alicedata
fixtures" (in /var/www/html/campaignchain/app/config/../campaignchain/confi
g/../../../vendor/campaignchain/core/Resources/config/config.yml). Looked f
or namespace "fidry_alice_data_fixtures", found "framework", "security", "t
wig", "monolog", "swiftmailer", "doctrine", "sensio_framework_extra", "asse
tic", "braincrafted_bootstrap", "knp_menu", "knp_paginator", "sc_datetimepi
cker", "fos_user", "fos_js_routing", "sp_bower", "sonata_core", "sonata_blo
ck", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "nelmio_api_doc", "avanzu_admin_theme",
"campaignchain_core", "oneup_uploader", "liip_imagine", "knp_gaufrette", "d
ebug", "web_profiler", "sensio_distribution", "web_server"

Script bin/console campaignchain:update:kernel handling the campaignchain-setup event returned with error code 1


Could you please help me to fix the issue.

Thanks in advance.