Hossein's suggestion:
I think it would be useful for the user to have the option to select a time range for dumping data into output spread sheet in order to avoid saving files with very large space.
If start_index in output_handler and stop_index in output_handler:
sim_data = sim_data.iloc[start_index:stop_index]
if .csv:
elif .xlsx:
sim_data.to_excel(output_file_string, index=False)
Hossein's suggestion: I think it would be useful for the user to have the option to select a time range for dumping data into output spread sheet in order to avoid saving files with very large space.
If start_index in output_handler and stop_index in output_handler: sim_data = sim_data.iloc[start_index:stop_index] if .csv: sim_data.to_csv(output_string) elif .xlsx: sim_data.to_excel(output_file_string, index=False)