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Campbell Nash CERICO Development
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Move Questionnaire sections #6

Closed CampbellNash closed 11 years ago

CampbellNash commented 11 years ago

The change involves the Minerals/Countries combo as these are part of a larger ‘Or’ section there is a panel on page 3 that becomes visible when selecting a mineral, but it’s also to be filled when choosing a dangerous country and that selection happens on page 4. Therefore if you don’t select a mineral but do choose a country you will not be aware of the 3 extra elements that have appeared in page 3.

Essentially we need to put these questions into page 4 and move the country selection into page 3, this will also mean re-numbering the questions. I think it may be better and quicker for you to move these around, but I can do it if you like and then you can re-adjust the question numbers.

CampbellNash commented 11 years ago

This is now complete...moved all dependent questions into section 4 and changed the questions numbers. Also modified the text box to include the dollar sign as shown below. image