CanHub / Android-Image-Cropper

Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
Apache License 2.0
1.17k stars 240 forks source link

Getting crash while selection of camera cropping only in Android 10 #616

Closed umesh7995 closed 4 months ago

umesh7995 commented 4 months ago

Using Latest Version 4.5.0 Compare both the results, some of results were empty

CAMERA Image result in ANDROID 10 Results {

"originalUri": {}, "rotation": 90, "sampleSize": 1, "uriContent": {},


CAMERA Image result Above ANDROID 10 Results


"originalUri": { "authority": { "decoded": "com.rtc.employee.cropper.fileprovider", "encoded": "NOT CACHED", "mCanonicalRepresentation": 2 }, "fragment": { "mCanonicalRepresentation": 1 }, "path": { "decoded": "NOT CACHED", "encoded": "/cached_files/tmp_image_file2939003222380326286.png", "mCanonicalRepresentation": 1 }, "query": { "mCanonicalRepresentation": 1 }, "scheme": "content", "uriString": "NOT CACHED", "host": "NOT CACHED", "port": -2 }, "rotation": 90, "sampleSize": 1, "uriContent": { "authority": { "decoded": "com.rtc.employee.cropper.fileprovider", "encoded": "NOT CACHED", "mCanonicalRepresentation": 2 }, "fragment": { "mCanonicalRepresentation": 1 }, "path": { "decoded": "NOT CACHED", "encoded": "/my_images/Pictures/cropped7902714988551153344.jpg", "mCanonicalRepresentation": 1 }, "query": { "mCanonicalRepresentation": 1 }, "scheme": "content", "uriString": "NOT CACHED", "host": "NOT CACHED", "port": -2 },