Canadensys / narwhal-processor

Basic data processing library aiming to normalize similar values ​​in a known format.
MIT License
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Which maven repository? #15

Open timrobertson100 opened 11 years ago

timrobertson100 commented 11 years ago

In which maven repository are you publishing the narwhal artifact please? Or perhaps people just check it out and install locally?

If you are in need of a repository, Canadensys are welcome to use for their artifacts.

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

At the moment, the project is not published in any maven repository. Using the GBIF repository would be great!

timrobertson100 commented 11 years ago

Would it only be narwhal for the time being?

timrobertson100 commented 11 years ago

I am happy to do this. I've set up the repository on nexus, and have forked this project, and will provide a pull request for the necessary pom changes, but you have this:


This needs addressed first. What is that artifact? Can it be renamed to something sensible and put under the same GIT control and deployed as an artifact too? Perhaps it really represents canadensys-common?

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

yes, this is an issue and one of the reason why it's not possible to publish in the Central Repository. It's a JDK 6 compatible JSR 310 build. It was installed in the local repository from the lib folder. I don't think nexus will like it.

timrobertson100 commented 11 years ago

Hey Christian, Ok. Sorry, I don't know much about threeten... There are 1.7 versions in maven central I see:

Is there no public ones? Are there any license issues surrounding my putting threeten in your repository too?

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

Yes, according to this, we could put it into our repository. The license file need to be there, like in lib folder.

timrobertson100 commented 11 years ago

Thanks Christian - end of the day here so I'll pick up tomorrow. A couple of things:

cgendreau commented 11 years ago
cgendreau commented 11 years ago

Hi Tim, I changed my mind about snapshot versoning. I hope it is not too late.

timrobertson100 commented 11 years ago

Definitely not. Great you are using snapshots too - it means we can probably get some kind of automated build and deploy of both snapshots and releases (which are immutable). I have not forgotten this, but I've out travelling and have not managed to set it up yet... I'll get back to you hopefully within a couple weeks (sorry)