Canadensys / narwhal-processor

Basic data processing library aiming to normalize similar values ​​in a known format.
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Add colombian departments dictionary #7

Closed danipilze closed 11 years ago

danipilze commented 11 years ago

Adding dictionary for colombian departments (state/provinces) according to ISO_3166-2:CO

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

wow, thank you. You used the complete ISO 3166-2 code (e.g. CO-ANT and not ANT alone). The reason why we used only the right part (province/state) was mainly because of the original Java enum in canadensys-core. Maybe we should update that to the official one (like you did). @peterdesmet your thoughts?

danipilze commented 11 years ago

ok, sorry for the "CO-" predicate, i can easily remove it, or just let it as committed if you want to change the enum in canadensys-core.

peterdesmet commented 11 years ago

I have no preference between the full iso code (CO-ANT) or the suffix (ANT). On the one hand, the file name already indicates the country, on the other the long code is more correct and more versatile.

Your call @cgendreau! :hammer:

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

ok, from now, we are working with the full ISO 3166-2 code. canadensys-core 1.5 will use the full code (already commited). So, @danipilze this Pull Request is fine, just need the enum to release it. Were you planning to add the enum for Columbia? I could also do it. Thanks again.

peterdesmet commented 11 years ago

Want me to update the files for Belgium? If yes, what files exactly? :-)

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

All the files are updated (not pushed yet)

danipilze commented 11 years ago

@cgendreau may you please add the enum for Colombia? thanks.

cgendreau commented 11 years ago

Done, could you review it ( before I release canadensys-core 1.5? Thanks

danipilze commented 11 years ago

that's great! the enum is ok