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Agropyron cristatum in Labrador - ephemeral intro? #2393

Closed sjmeades closed 9 years ago

sjmeades commented 9 years ago

re: Agropyron cristatum in Labrador.

Photo supplied to Nathalie from DAO of this specimen; no other records are reported from DAO or NFM, or in the Grass Manual (FNA), so this species might be better treated as ephemeral in Labrador.

[A single specimens exists of Agropyron cristatum from "lawns and clearings about building", Goose Bay, collected on July 29, 1950, by J.M.Gillett and W.I.Findlay (DAO), originally identified as A. pectiniforme. Photo supplied to N.Djan-Ckekar (NFM), courtesy of DAO. No recent records of A. cristatum have been reported.]

brouille commented 9 years ago

Sue Excluded - ephemeral (and old report, no new reports) Luc