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add Platanthera ephemerantha R.M. Bateman #3142

Closed manions closed 1 month ago

manions commented 2 months ago

Several jurisdictions (including BC eFlora and BC Conservation Data Centre) are listing Platanthera ephemerantha R.M. Bateman instead of Platanthera candida/Piperia candida. Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 104(3) 2009 Could you review and add as a synonym or revise please? I apologize if already in the database, I haven't been able to access the database online in a while but hopefully soon to continue on the English vernacular review. Marilyn

brouille commented 2 months ago

Marilyn I warned Carole about the inaccessibility of the VASCAN editor. I had the same trouble. Luc

brouille commented 2 months ago

This change is required. Platanthera candida already existed (Lindl., also nom. illeg. but prior anyway).

I will do it as soon as I can access the database.

brouille commented 1 month ago

Marilyn and MArc I now replaced P. candida by P. ephemeranthera Though Klinkenberg kept the English vernacular as is, I find this potentially misleading given that may P. candida exists elsewhere as a valid name. I leave you to consider this. You are free to keep as is, of course. I moved the current vernaculars.


manions commented 1 month ago

Hi, would it be possible to send Bateman's paper on this species please? The description might be helpful. Thanks

manions commented 1 month ago

many thanks!

MFavreau commented 1 month ago

I entered a more specific accepted French vernacular and retained the previous one as a synonym.

manions commented 1 month ago

Likewise, English vernacular added and kept the synonyms