Canadian-Geospatial-Platform / geoview

Canadian Geospatial Platform Viewer / Visualiseur de la Plateforme Géospatiale Canadienne
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ESRI Dynamic service failed RAMP #609

Open jolevesq opened 1 year ago

jolevesq commented 1 year ago

Test to see how it behaves in Geoview. Service fail when we toggle visibility cause it can't call the legend object.

This layer is a RasterLayer served wtith a MapServer. All the raster layer behaves the same way. On the same server, there is feature layer and they are ok.... investigate

jolevesq commented 1 year ago

This layer is a Raster Layer served with a MapServer. It is the first time I see this. Usually, Raster are serve with an ImageServer. We may need to read metadata the type of layer and if Raster Layer, we should use a raster layer type.

jaredkinger commented 4 weeks ago

@jolevesq I've run into several layers that were previously set to esriDynamic in RAMP that have this Raster Layer type. I have been able to render these layers in geoview by switching the layer type to esriImage. The only issue I am seeing is that for some of these layers the legend will not load.

I setup an example here:

If you look at the 2015 Land Cover of Canada layer it correctly renders the layer and loads the correct legend.

The other layers included in the map will render the layers correctly but the legends are not displayed. The legends are available on those map servers.