CanadianCrafter / EngHacks2021-Text-To-Speech

Text to Speech Highlighter is a Chrome extension that allows the user to highlight a piece of text, and have it read out in that language, or with a translation to the user's preferred language.
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Keyboard shortcut activation #17

Open citerana opened 1 year ago

citerana commented 1 year ago

Hey, loving this tool. It's been a life-saver while learning how to read in Mandarin as a speaker only.

Putting a feature request on your radar for a keyboard shortcut (optionally, maybe even automatic?) activation on highlight.

I'm using this in conjunction with the Zhongwen: Chinese-English Dictionary plugin here that auto-highlights words on hover and gives a definition dialog underneath. It's a bit unwieldy to repeatedly click through the context menu if I only need the occasional word/phrase, every dozen characters or so, spoken while scanning through text.

Ideally, the shortcut would be a configurable letter key to prevent conflicts with existing keybinds on other add-ons.

Thanks for creating the tool and cheers!

timthlu commented 1 year ago

Great to know that the extension has been useful!

Thanks for the suggestion, we appreciate it. We agree that a keyboard shortcut would greatly improve the usability of the extension so it's been added to our backlog. We'll get to it soon!

cnmediatiger commented 1 year ago

Hello, I found your project on github today. Although it was not cloned and tested, after reading your introduction, it feels more consistent with what I am trying to do. Let me talk about one of my thoughts. I have seen three tools, speechify, naturareader and descript, some time ago. They have common features, that is, word segmentation function, tts and synchronous highlighting. I think you should consider This browser plug-in of yours has been transformed into an independent desktop or web. It has both your current functions and can also absorb some of the characteristics of speechify and naturareader and descript. Make it an auxiliary tool for people with disabilities to learn languages! My email,, if it is convenient, please reply to my email, and we will communicate in detail! Wish all the best!