Canardoux / flutter_sound

Flutter plugin for sound. Audio recorder and player.
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[BUG]: [Version solving failed] Because every version of flutter_test from sdk depends on meta 1.11.0 #1035

Closed phamquoctrongnta closed 1 month ago

phamquoctrongnta commented 1 month ago

My pubspec

 flutter_sound: ^9.4.9

Because every version of flutter_test from sdk depends on meta 1.11.0 and flutter_sound_web >=9.4.7 depends on meta 1.12.0, flutter_test from sdk is incompatible with flutter_sound_web >=9.4.7. And because flutter_sound >=9.4.9 depends on flutter_sound_web 9.4.9, flutter_test from sdk is incompatible with flutter_sound >=9.4.9. So, because my_project depends on both flutter_sound ^9.4.9 and flutter_test from sdk, version solving failed.

You can try the following suggestion to make the pubspec resolve:

flutter doctor:

Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.19.3, on macOS 14.0 23A344 darwin-arm64, locale en-VN)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 34.0.0)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 15.0)
[✓] Android Studio (version 2023.2)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.88.0)
[✓] Connected device (3 available)
[✓] Network resources

• No issues found!
Larpoux commented 1 month ago

Yes @phamquoctrongnta ,

There is something wrong with "meta" dependency. I had a weird error and I did a very dirty fix, pinning meta to 1.12.0

This is bad and I must fix that correctly. You can expect a new flutter_sound version this evening or tomorrow with this hack fixed. Sorry for that

Larpoux commented 1 month ago

@phamquoctrongnta ,

Flutter Sound 9.4.10 is now published. It fixes the problem with pinning the "meta:" dependency. Maybe you must remove the "meta:" dependency in your pubspec.yaml and pubspec.lock if you added it inside. Gook luck.