Open WWOL opened 9 years ago
Nutmegan posted this error report. The line is with the call to next() with no input returned from the input stream.
sk89q/SquirrelID is good for this.
I'm guessing Mojang changed something in their API's It may be a more viable option to implement SquirrelID rather than engineering things in house (considering how little time the team seems to have anymore to try and maintain things...)
Perhaps you should expand your dev team?
I installed your data collection plugin, but it seems the problem has suddenly evaporated? I tested yesterday and again today. I can't recreate the issue. So perhaps the problem was on Mojang's side and they did something?
Nutmegan, now the Canary website is closed, can you give me a link to this data collection plugin, if it might solve my problem converting username to UUID. e-mail
Per here it appears UUID translation is not working. From what I can gather "" is returning 204 No Content even on valid requests and this empty body is causing NPE when tring to extract the UUID (will be confirmed if someone posts a stack trace in the forum post).
I have gotten a responce from POST to with a body of ["WWOL"] which returns [{"id":"e5cd015d2d894c9b8d1f3cd5144e8ed2","name":"WWOL","legacy":true}]
Is this a problem for anyone else (there where a few people on the forums)? Does this need to change?