CanastaWiki / Canasta

MediaWiki Docker image for Canasta, an all-in-one MediaWiki stack for easy deployment and management of enterprise-ready MediaWiki on production environments.
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Add ManageWiki extension #350

Open yaronkoren opened 8 months ago

yaronkoren commented 8 months ago

The ManageWiki extension lets admins enable and disable extensions, configure extensions, and configure permissions, all from within wiki special pages:

This would be especially useful for those using Canasta to run a wiki farm.

The top of the extension page says that it's configured for Miraheze, but it's already in use by three other wiki farms (including Telepedia, which is not part of the Miraheze/WikiForge/WikiTide "family"), so it can't be that specific.

Has anyone tried this extension? It could be a good fit.

jeffw16 commented 5 months ago

Wouldn't this conflict with the Canasta CLI in certain ways?

yaronkoren commented 5 months ago

I hope it wouldn't conflict per se... I assume you're talking about the fact that extensions (and skins) can be enabled and disabled via both the CLI and this extension. But I'm hopeful that there's no set of actions between the CLI and ManageWiki that would crash the wiki. (An admin with CLI access could surprise the users of individual wikis by disabling various extenions and skins that they thought they had enabled, of course, but an admin of a regular, non-Canasta wiki or wiki farm could do that as well.)

tosfos commented 4 months ago

This should get careful review before being added IMHO.

songnguxyz commented 1 month ago

I honestly would like to try this out, as long as I get the basics on how to get it properly installed (or at least get #427 done)