CanastaWiki / Canasta

MediaWiki Docker image for Canasta, an all-in-one MediaWiki stack for easy deployment and management of enterprise-ready MediaWiki on production environments.
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Run without SSL? #370

Closed jakejellinek closed 2 months ago

jakejellinek commented 3 months ago

Is it possible to configure the env/compose files such that SSL is not required? I am wanting to run this stack on a VM behind HA Proxy, and my SSL certificate are handled by the proxy. At the moment things don't work because a request is being made to obtain an SSL certificate which is not going through the proxy, so the stack never starts up.

jeffw16 commented 3 months ago

You could have the HAProxy talk directly to the Varnish container. Feel free to change the networking routing in the docker-compose.override.yml file. Keep in mind this isn't officially supported. For anyone else who comes across this question on Google/Bing, this probably isn't the right way to solve your own situation.

jakejellinek commented 3 months ago

i realise you don't support this, and nobody else should do it...I did get it to apparently work by editing the docker-compose.override.yml (commented out caddy section and added in a varnish port 80 section) - so it all appears to be fine but I did notice that the canasta docker image thingy still says "unhealthy" - I presume this is related to my changes?

CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c92507516678 "/" 4 days ago Up 4 days (unhealthy) 80/tcp

The logs just keep saying this:-

mwjobrunner waits for 2 seconds... Job queue is empty. Job queue is empty. Job queue is empty. Job queue is empty. mwtranscoder waits for 60 seconds... Job queue is empty. Job queue is empty. Job queue is empty. mwjobrunner waits for 2 seconds... Job queue is empty.

jeffw16 commented 3 months ago

Those log messages look normal but I'm not sure why it says unhealthy. Maybe the health monitor is checking HTTPS. (I do not have expertise in this area of the code, sorry.)