CanberraUAV / SAR-Scenarios

Scenarios for using UAVs in Search And Rescue situations.
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Expand document strucutre #4

Open monkeypants opened 11 years ago

monkeypants commented 11 years ago

Each chapter 2 through n-1 describe a use-case (class of scenario, generic). These chapters contain one section per actual scenario (user story, instance of a use-case). Each scenario would contain:

The simulation subsection would start with a table, where each column is a type of airframe (described in the Hardware chapter) and each row is a type of payload (also described in the hardware chapter). The cells would indicate how suitable that combination was, as indicated by simulation results.

Then, for each suitable combination of payload and airframe, there would be a simulation details subsection. That would:

monkeypants commented 11 years ago

these notes removed from the project page, because they are no longer "PROPOSALS" (have been accepted) and now describe the work in progress.

Currently we have 4 "stories", which are more generic/abstract than a scenario. I think of them as use-cases, (classes of requirement) rather than scenarios (instances), which could be tested, evaluated, simulated, etc.