CancerRegistryOfNorway / NORDCAN

NORDCAN is a database of cancer statistics for the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland.
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non-ascii chars in paths #34

Open BjarteAAGNES opened 1 year ago

BjarteAAGNES commented 1 year ago

How can non-ascii chars be used in paths? To avoid error when such chars are part of end users paths and "impossible" to change,

HuidongTian commented 1 year ago

The R version starting from 4.2 will support UTF-8 encoding as the native encoding. However, some versions of Windows 10 are not supported. My laptop support native "UTF-8", and I have tested it works for a testing folder "汉 【ø语". So we just need to update windows 10 to the latest version. @BjarteAAGNES @CotterpinDoozer @AnnaSkog