CancerRegistryOfNorway / nordcansurvival

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Explore reasons why Anna can't run survival analysis in 9.2 #50

Closed CotterpinDoozer closed 2 years ago

CotterpinDoozer commented 2 years ago

Ref. discussions in beginning of May 2022.

Anna can't run survival analysis in 9.2 on her user. The Stata logfile says possible reason I/O and disk space issue, but this has been checked, and the program is run on P: where Siri was also able to run the program. There seems to be no issues related to versions of Stata, R or DBC , since we have proved that 9.2 runs for Huidong and Siri in different versions and the same versions as Anna has.

Survival is running when called from Stata, so there has to be something in the link between R and Stata in nordcan.R which is not working correctly. If plan A does not work, Huidong and Bjarte will need to look at it together to see where the error might be.

Plan A: see if we can establish a clead VDI where Anna can try to run nordcan.R 9.2 to see if the problem still prevails. Plan B: write a script for a more elaborate logfile to see if we can get more information about why this is not working

And we'll take it from there...

BjarteAAGNES commented 2 years ago

In additon to A. Before next production we can consider to set up a back-up R inst for Anna on SIK-REG-001. (I can follow-up this with STAU in June/August)

CotterpinDoozer commented 2 years ago

Error messages from the system when Anna runs nordcan.R, and comparison between output-files from SLA-user and ANSK-user.

extract_define_survival_data.log sammeligning_survivalfiler_sla_ansk feilmelding_R

CotterpinDoozer commented 2 years ago

Anna has placed an issue in KRG Helpdesk to see if she can get a backup-VDI (ANSK2).

CotterpinDoozer commented 2 years ago

Anna and SIN have solved the problem. SIN did not want to establish a new VDI, but different solutions were tested before finding the solution: giving Anna more local disc space (which is what the Stata error log suggests might be the problem).

I'm closing this issue.