CandiceJune / prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto

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Summary #4

Open zannain opened 6 years ago

zannain commented 6 years ago

Excellent work in commenting your HTML markup. I recommend extending this practice to the stylesheet as well. Work on organizing the stylesheet by grouping styles together. A well-commented web page with proper indentation, spacing and structure will ensure you are writing quality code, following best practices, help make debugging easier when trying to isolate the source of a bug or UI defect. Style guides are excellent resources to follow and become familiar with. Test web pages before deploying to production, use developer tools to ensure that all asset such as images, stylesheets and/or CSS libraries are being loaded as they should. Keep it up!!

Needs improvement

CandiceJune commented 6 years ago

Hey Zannain, thanks so much for this. I'm getting stuck on Issue 1 though. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Let me know if I need to sort out anything else.

Thanks so much!