CannibalVox / DimDoors

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Request: Rift Blade only opens one side of rift at a time #30

Open HyperMan19680 opened 9 years ago

HyperMan19680 commented 9 years ago

Like above, I'd like to see the Rift Blade only open the rift on one side, for better one-way passing. Or at least allow a config that can enable this.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 9 years ago

Interesting ... what would be the functionality of this I wonder?

Soyaro666 commented 9 years ago

maybe you've entered a DimDoor Dungeon and forgot about leaving it before going deeper. in that case there would only be a rift in overworld. another functionality could be a jail and even another may be a dungeon made by players where you have to guess which one is the exit and/or have only a limited count of uses (because the blade doesn't last forever of course) to find the exit/treasure/whatever. and to add my own oppinion: I've been confused after I used a rift blade and found an open portal behind me after passing through. that doesn't make any sense to me... changing the rift blade this way could be compensated by changing the amount of durability that's lost per use to keep the current balancing