CannibalVox / DimDoors

44 stars 28 forks source link

[Suggestion] Rework mod to offer better long term and short term goals, more consistant experience #52

Open justicesays opened 8 years ago

justicesays commented 8 years ago

Currently DimDoors is a bit of a mixed experience Broadly, the mod fufils 3 purposes 1) It provides an set of cool and interesting puzzle dungeons to explore, with a chance of popping out somewhere in another dimension or elsewhere in your overworld. The primary unique loot in these dungeons is world thread which is supposed to lead to the other purposes of the mod , 2&3 below 2) Allow you to create a series of empty dimensions for building base areas, farms, whatever , with the option of making them only accessible by you, and chunkloading 3) Provide instant free transportation between any two points in any dimensions

These purposes are somewhat undermined by a few design choices: The unique loot in Dimension Dungeons is world thread, however, you can get world thread in other ways, such as setting up a cobble gen over a rift or hanging around a rift storm . The main use of world thread is to make your own doors, but to get standard dimensional and warp doors you can just mine them out of the dungeons. This allows you to do most of 2 and 3 without stepping more than a few rooms into the dimensional dungeons, and the instant transportation is basically available from the get-go.

The mod also produces way too many structures around the world filled with doors, the rift blade gets hardly any use due to the rifts world-genning as open and dropping a door on the overworld side once you enter the rift. Plus the post gen appearance of the exit portal (complete with door) when you leave the dungeons further clutters the overworld and other dimensions.

I would suggest the following changes to make the mod have a workable progression, avoid the world clutter, make the rift blade relevant , encourage dimensional dungeon exploration, and push the instant transport option to the end game.

1) Remove the structure world gen. Make rifts gen up as mostly closed, but with a small random chance of opening for a short time. Also make existing rifts jump around unless they have a door dropped on them to stabilize them, this jump timer is reset if the rift is used/opened. An earlyish progression multiblock could be added that would prevent a rift jumping around but not open it like a door. 2) Remove the world thread dropping from rifts embedded in materials, and rift storms 3) Don't place a door on a rift when it is used, force the player to open it with a rift blade every time unless they place their own door on it. Having a door placed on the inside of a DimDungeon is fine, but don't place the door if it's not been placed there by worldgen. 4) Don't have mined doors drop Full Dimensional doors, Mined DimDoors drop just an iron door, mined warp doors drop just a wooden door, leaving the rift behind as normal. 5) Don't have exit portal create permanent structures. Use a short lived world fabric style material if liquids or empty space is there, make exit portals just temporary rift openings unless again stabilized with a door. Make exits mostly one way, once the portal closes a different coloured rift is produced that will eventually fade away instead of jumping, this becomes a full normal rift if a door is placed on it. 6) Push the rift signature tool up to some special drop only obtainable from specific events deep in the Dimensional Dungeons, e.g. from rooms only available at a certain depth, perhaps with a boss involved. 7) Put some hints to the rift blade, maybe a book or something , in regular dungeon or stronghold chests/on villagers to kick start the mod, and further info in books / puzzles in the DimDungeons. 8) Add a rift analyzer tool , positioned before the rift blade, that gives useful information about rifts (stable/unstable, time until it jumps/is removed, one way/two way, leads to a dungeon or an empty dim etc.)

These changes should work to Make the rift blade a useful (indeed vital) tool for working through the mod Make the creation of personal or player created empty dimensions a more mid game event predicated on exploring deeply enough into the dungeons Make the mod less intrusive in the overworld by eliminating swathes of incongruous floating doors. Push the instant transport aspect to a limited reward rather then the go-to free transport mechanism for all purposes. There would be a slightly increased chance of the unwary player being stranded in some distant dimension if they didnt play attention. A config option could allow those players that have ever entered a DimDoor or rift to hold down a key to get transported to limbo if outside the end/overworld/nether (with appropriate giant eye/monolith noises)

ajthemacboy commented 8 years ago

I'd love to see a rewrite like this! You have the chance to make this mod even greater and popular again.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 8 years ago

He isn't working on this ... he is focusing on his modpack.

Derpford commented 8 years ago

I honestly think that you could make only a few tweaks to deal with the balance issues mentioned above.

Mainly, you'd want to make worldgen DimDoors drop iron doors instead of DimDoors. Heck, make them always drop an iron door.

I'd also agree with adding lore books that explain some of the items, alongside adding lore books in general. I'm considering opening an issue to talk about lorebooks as dungeon loot more, or maybe even forking and trying my hand at doing it myself.

Derpford commented 8 years ago

Oh, and please don't ask for bosses. Part of what makes DimDoors great is that it doesn't rely on bosses or fighting, at all.

Too many mods go overboard on combat as a challenge.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 8 years ago

It wouldn't matter someone else would have to create and release the fixes as CannibalVox is not working on this mod.

Derpford commented 8 years ago

As I said, I briefly considered forking.

Then I realized that I'm terrible at Java. I still have no idea what I've managed to screw up with my own attempts at modding; there's still an annoying dupe bug in my campfire mod, which seems to never go away.

Anyway, I've got ideas, I'm just some kind of anti-Java.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 8 years ago

Ask @Mumfrey or @olee for code help they are savants

ajthemacboy commented 8 years ago

I'd like to see the following added to DimDoors:

Whether it needs a rewrite to accomplish this, I don't know.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 8 years ago

Again need proper coders