CannibalVox / DimDoors

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World Loading #56

Open finnbo11 opened 8 years ago

finnbo11 commented 8 years ago

I went to load my world and my minecraft crashed. I was using other mods and was working fine before and Ive used this world alot. Open eye said dimensional doors was the problem and I removed it from my mod folder then the world opened fine. It looks like a bug so do you mind taking a look? crash-2015-12-22_15.40.51-server.txt. I love your mod and would be very grateful If you could find the problem.

finnbo11 commented 8 years ago

And by the way im running Test9.

HimitsuYami commented 7 years ago

I'm having a similar issue with every version (currently using test10) crash-2016-08-16_20.22.51-server.txt for me it works fine when i load a world but if i go to create a new world or i load a world other than the last one i was playing on it crashes like this but if i relaunch and go to the world i was just trying to create/load it opens fine with no issues. it's not a major bug in my case just an annoyance as my pack takes several minutes to load up