CannibalVox / DimDoors

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Portal texture broken on Dimensional Trapdoors #9

Closed nanakisan closed 9 years ago

nanakisan commented 9 years ago

Currently using v2.2.5-T6-RE

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Unable to reproduce, can you give me more info about your system?

nanakisan commented 9 years ago

Strange the only thing I can tell you is that my instances use Java 7 (tested with J8 and still same issue) forge LGPL 2.9.1

Another odd thing is that the white overlay in my image. It is moving 1 pixel south-east every tick.

keenerb commented 9 years ago

Are you running optifine?

nanakisan commented 9 years ago

Nope no optifine. This is a straight up test instance. I even disabled all my mods.

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

I mean your computer, can you give me information about it?

nanakisan commented 9 years ago

It's a old pile of crap so prepare to snort milk AMD Phenom-II X2 3.0 ghz AMD Radeon Mobility 4250 500gb HDD 4gb DDR3 ram

keenerb commented 9 years ago

I can't duplicate either on multiple servers. Possibly video card driver issue?

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

Probably an AMD is trash issue. Oh ho ho ho ho.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 9 years ago

AMD is far from trash ... I am a technician and intel is simply overpriced amd. Its nothing special but I don't expect many people to understand that.

CannibalVox commented 9 years ago

That's cool, but realtalk it sounds like your computer can't handle the weird stuff we do to render the portal effect. I'm going to recommend you turn off portal rendering and remind myself to act on #3 soon.

nanakisan commented 9 years ago

If I have issue rendering portals. Why is it normal doors from the mod render just fine? No offense CanVox but don't outright diss someones machine like that. how was I supposed to know this was a 1 time thing special to my computer? I live and breath testing mods for stuff like this. I'm not upset i'm just a bit disappointed you responded like that.

P3rf3ctXZer0 commented 9 years ago

Your graphics card is outdated (made in 2010) I recommend you replace it because I am not having rendering issues. Also I understand his frustration ... he just wants things to work and sometimes people working take out their irritation on others. It wasn't personal I am sure.

nanakisan commented 9 years ago

Kinda hard to replace gpu on a laptop my friend. hahahah but thanks for the words of comfort.