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Adding tags #7

Closed liamcan closed 5 years ago

liamcan commented 5 years ago

We need to migrate some tags for Leslie's articles which are currently missing from the migrated data. At the moment these tags are more like categories on Leslie's old site. We would like them as tags in the new system. The tags should be as follows.

in-the-media -----------> In the media research ---------------> Research writings ----------------> Writings events -----------------> Events

(The books category won't be necessary as it's being handled elsewhere)

In the backup data you can find the tags linked by the article id via the taggable_id on the tag object as per this example where it links to article 1068.

--- !ruby/object:Tag
  slug: in-the-media
  taggable_id: "1068"
  tag_phrase_id: "49"
  phrase: in-the-media
  position: "1"
  id: "1120"
  taggable_type: CanpubArticle
  site_id: "15"
thvu11 commented 5 years ago

I found 2 in-the-media tags in backup.yml: in-the-media and in-the-media1. Do I need to rename the second one?

adamc00 commented 5 years ago

in-the-media and in-the-media1. Do I need to rename the second one?

I'd map both to "In the media".

adamc00 commented 5 years ago

in-the-media -----------> In the media research ---------------> Research writings ----------------> Writings events -----------------> Events

I'm not sure that these mappings are in place @thvu11, the left side is the old style but in ghost we'd like them to appear as per the right side including the leading capital letter.

thvu11 commented 5 years ago

I've changed it, my bad, I misread that part.

adamc00 commented 5 years ago

Done. Ta!