LogEntries display page is going to serve as the page to view generation (when the user hits 'Generate my app' they'll land here).
Therefore it makes sense to make this screen functional in the alpha already
[x] Review how every log entry looks like right now and come up with a baseline look
[x] Special treatment for app generation
[x] Show the git clone command after successful generation
[ ] BONUS (depending on how quick the rest was): Progress bar at the top; + pills showing phases underneath would be rad
Review how every log entry looks like right now and come up with a baseline look
ERRORs should look a certain way (error message, stack trace etc)
Add icons for important events (Starting, finished etc)
Metadata should appear in a 2-column table, rather than as a hash
Look into ActionCable::Updatable
Special treatment for app generation
There are two extremes, and so far both have their issues:
create a LogEntry for every stdout/stderr - lots of logentries, messy AF
collect them into a buffer, and display once the process finished - effective, but the user can't see shit
idea (if too complex, just go with option 2): collect them into a buffer, but flush the buffer every x milliseconds; sounds like the best of both worlds
Show the git clone command after successful generation
LogEntries display page is going to serve as the page to view generation (when the user hits 'Generate my app' they'll land here).
Therefore it makes sense to make this screen functional in the alpha already
Review how every log entry looks like right now and come up with a baseline look
Special treatment for app generation
There are two extremes, and so far both have their issues:
idea (if too complex, just go with option 2): collect them into a buffer, but flush the buffer every x milliseconds; sounds like the best of both worlds
Show the git clone command after successful generation