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`br` command fails on Windows #788

Open computerscience-person opened 11 months ago

computerscience-person commented 11 months ago

After installing broot using scoop and executing broot --install to be able to use the br command, I'm met with an error.

> br
File not found: "C:\\Users\\Username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpC170.tmp"

I think it's because my username has a space in it, as it duplicated the second word in my username. I looked at the modified $PROFILE, and I'm not sure what's wrong with the br function, though I'm not versed in .ps1 syntax.

Canop commented 11 months ago

Is that the exact error message ? With "Username" ?

computerscience-person commented 11 months ago

No, changed it since it contained my actual name.

It should look more something like this.

> br
File not found: "C:\\Users\\Name Surname\\Surname\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpC170.tmp"

It repeated the username after the first space.

Canop commented 11 months ago

The problem is probably in the way the shell script gives the path to broot but I don't know powershell well enough and I don't have any Windows box available so I need somebody else to try fix the script.

lost22git commented 11 months ago

Modify $($cmd_file.FullName) to


maybe work

Elkiwa commented 11 months ago

I tried to reproduce this by creating a test user but can't even complete the br function install prerequisite. I wonder what should I do besides having a space in username?


  1. Create a local user account
  2. Deliberately input the user name "test use"
  3. Install broot and try to install br function with sudo broot --install
    PS C:\Users\test use> sudo broot --install
    You requested a clean (re)install.
    Removing C:\Users\test use\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\bash\1.
    Writing br shell function in C:\Users\test use\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\bash\1.
    Removing C:\Users\test use\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\bash\br.
    Creating link from C:\Users\test use\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\bash\br to C:\Users\test use\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\bash\1.

I found no sourcing file for the bash/zsh family. If you're using bash or zsh, then installation isn't complete: the br function initialization script won't be sourced unless you source it yourself. PS C:\Users\test use>

P.S. The "I found no sourcing file for the bash/zsh family." warning is not problematic because the same happened to my real account but completed the `br` function installation onward in PowerShell.
lost22git commented 11 months ago

can you try the product compiled on my local machine?

  1. Remove the original broot
  2. Add the newly downloaded broot.exe path to env path
  3. broot --install
  4. Open new powershell window and run br
Elkiwa commented 11 months ago

can you try the product compiled on my local machine?

1. Remove the original broot

2. Add the newly downloaded broot.exe path to env path

3. `broot --install`

4. Open new powershell window and run `br`

Thank you for notice! The broot --install result is the same...

PS C:\Users\test use> broot --version
broot 1.27.1-dev
PS C:\Users\test use> br
br : The term 'br' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ br
+ ~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (br:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
lost22git commented 11 months ago


You can check whether these two files exist and whether their contents are normal

in my windows powershell

PS C:\Users\zzz> broot --install
You requested a clean (re)install.
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\installed-v4.
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\bash\1.
Writing br shell function in C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\bash\1.
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\bash\br.
Creating link from C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\bash\br to C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\bash\1.

I found no sourcing file for the bash/zsh family.
If you're using bash or zsh, then installation isn't complete:
the br function initialization script won't be sourced unless you source it
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\nushell\4.
Writing br shell function in C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\nushell\4.
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\nushell\br.
Creating link from C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\nushell\br to C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\nushell\4.
C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\nushell\ already patched, no change made.
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\powershell\1.
Writing br shell function in C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\powershell\1.
Removing C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\powershell\br.ps1.
Creating link from C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\powershell\br.ps1 to C:\Users\zzz\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\data\launcher\powershell\1.
C:\Users\zzz\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Profile.ps1 already patched, no change made.

The br function has been successfully installed.
You may have to restart your shell or source your shell init files.
Afterwards, you should start broot with br in order to use its full power.

but I guess you are probably using powershell core (aka. pwsh or PowerShell 7.x, cross platform) Instead of Windows powershell (aka. PowerShell 5.1, windows built-in), broot --install does not yet support pwsh You can try it using windows powershell

Elkiwa commented 11 months ago


You can check whether these two files exist and whether their contents are normal

* C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\dystroy\broot\config\launcher\powershell\br.ps1

* C:\Users{username}\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Profile.ps1

Thank you. I'll try looking into it, though I'm not that familiar with PowerShell syntax.

but I guess you are probably using powershell core (aka. pwsh or PowerShell 7.x, cross platform) Instead of Windows powershell (aka. PowerShell 5.1, windows built-in), broot --install does not yet support pwsh You can try it using windows powershell

Actually, I've already aware the difference of PowerShell and pwsh. All the above experiments are performed in PowerShell. My real Windows user account has br function installed in PowerShell, but I use pwsh whenever possible.

lost22git commented 11 months ago


If those two files are not generated, you can obtain the log file in the current directory by following the steps below:

  1. $env:BROOT_LOG='debug' ; broot --install
  2. cat broot.log

Elkiwa commented 11 months ago

@lost22git Here comes the result.

PS C:\Users\test use> cat broot.log
00:55:56.454 [INFO] cli_log::init: Starting broot v1.27.1-dev with log level DEBUG
00:55:56.454 [DEBUG] broot: env::args(): [
    "C:\\Users\\test use\\broot\\broot.exe",
00:55:56.457 [INFO] broot::shell_install: Shell installation state: NotInstalled
00:55:56.457 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install: Starting install
00:55:56.457 [INFO] broot::shell_install: Writing `br` shell function in `"C:\\Users\\test use\\AppData\\Roaming\\dystroy\\broot\\data\\launcher\\bash\\1"`
00:55:56.458 [INFO] broot::shell_install: Creating link from "C:\\Users\\test use\\AppData\\Roaming\\dystroy\\broot\\config\\launcher\\bash\\br" to "C:\\Users\\test use\\AppData\\Roaming\\dystroy\\broot\\data\\launcher\\bash\\1"
00:55:56.461 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install::bash: considering path: "C:\\Users\\{real user}\\.bashrc"
00:55:56.461 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install::bash: considering path: "C:\\Users\\{real user}\\.bash_profile"
00:55:56.462 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install::bash: considering path: "C:\\Users\\{real user}\\.zshrc"
00:55:56.462 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install::bash: considering path: "C:\\Users\\{real user}\\$ZDOTDIR/.zshrc/.zshrc"
00:55:56.462 [WARN] broot::shell_install::bash: no sourcing path for bash/zsh!
00:55:56.462 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install::fish: no fish config directory. Assuming fish isn't used.
00:55:56.462 [INFO] broot::shell_install::nushell: install nushell
00:55:56.462 [DEBUG] broot::shell_install::nushell: no nushell config directory. Assuming nushell isn't used.
00:55:56.462 [INFO] broot::shell_install::powershell: install powershell
00:55:56.462 [WARN] broot::shell_install::powershell: Could not find user documents directory.
00:55:56.462 [INFO] broot: bye

PS C:\Users\test use> [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")
C:\Users\test use\Documents

PS C:\Users\test use> $PSVersionTable
Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.22621.2506
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.22621.2506
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

Could you verify my result?

lost22git commented 11 months ago

Looks like a third-party library directories-rs issue

lost22git commented 11 months ago

I upgraded broot's directories-rs to the latest version. This is the new compiled product. you can try it

Canop commented 11 months ago

@lost22git I can't test on Windows. What you're saying is the problem should be fixed with the last version of directories-rs ?

lost22git commented 11 months ago

@Canop I'm not sure if directories-rs has fixed this problem

Elkiwa commented 11 months ago

I upgraded broot's directories-rs to the latest version. This is the new compiled product. you can try it

@lost22git Unfortunately, nothing changed in the debug log, but I can reason with you. I read some docs from directories-rs and the spec from Microsoft, but still can't tell where the issue could be.



2gn commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure if it's directly involved with this issue, but username with more than one space causes errors in installation.

Canop commented 7 months ago

@2gn This is specific and looks actionable. Can you create a separate issue for that ?

Dominiquini commented 5 months ago

Modify $($cmd_file.FullName) to


maybe work

I was having the same issue:

File not found: "C:\\Users\\Rafael Dominiquini\\Dominiquini\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpudrel1.tmp"

But this suggestion ( solve it!


AeliusSaionji commented 3 months ago

Looks like this is the same problem mentioned in #849 The solution does seem to be as simple as adding the escape characters, but I also removed the subshell syntax.

Test this br.ps1 for me

Function br {
  $args = $args -join ' '
  $cmd_file = New-TemporaryFile
  $out_file = New-TemporaryFile

  $process = Start-Process -FilePath 'broot.exe' `
                           -ArgumentList "--outcmd `"$cmd_file`" $args" `
                           -NoNewWindow -PassThru -WorkingDirectory $PWD `
                           -RedirectStandardOutput $out_file

  Wait-Process -InputObject $process # Faster than Start-Process -Wait
  Get-Content $out_file # print broot's stdout to shell stdout
  If ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
    $cmd = Get-Content $cmd_file
    Remove-Item $cmd_file, $out_file
    If ($cmd -ne $null) { Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd }
  } Else {
    Remove-Item $cmd_file, $out_file
    Write-Host "`n" # Newline to tidy up broot unexpected termination
    Write-Error "broot.exe exited with error code $($process.ExitCode)"