Canop / broot

A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
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actions on new panel broken on windows since 1.30 #809

Closed Canop closed 7 months ago

Canop commented 7 months ago

This was reported by @alexs-n here:

i think this fix or at least version 1.30.0 > breaks something on windows @Canop . the right/ second panel is broken and commands like cpp and mvp wont work.

the path is not correct


Canop commented 7 months ago

This is obviously related to the canonicalization I added in 1.30, which on Windows changes the path to an UNC path, which isn't compatible with several Windows commands.

Canop commented 7 months ago

As I can't test on Windows, I won't try building my own canonicalization (hint: others could try) but I'll just stop doing it on Windows.