Canop / broot

A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
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Export nushell command #839

Closed texastoland closed 5 months ago

texastoland commented 5 months ago

Enables use /path/to/br * (manual) without breaking source /path/to/br (nushell/nushell#6571). I haven't tested in Rust yet (only Nu).

Canop commented 5 months ago

As usual, I'll wait for feedback of users more involved than me in the nushell world

texastoland commented 5 months ago

Would it help to ping someone from commit history or Nu Discord?

FrancescElies commented 5 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ŒThe following test worked fine for me.

> gh pr checkout 839
> cargo install --path .
> broot --version    
broot 1.33.2-dev
broot --install

# New shell
> br
# cd into a random dir

A new line with use was added to my config, while the old one with source stayed. Nothing seemed to break, thus the transition should hopefully be pain-free.

Canop commented 5 months ago

So, merge it is ?

FrancescElies commented 5 months ago

From my side yes, source seems to be removed at some point in a future release of nushell and this pr works already with current version 0.90.1, Merge it ๐Ÿ‘ .