Canop / broot

A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
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How do I move around locations? #858

Closed madprops closed 3 months ago

madprops commented 3 months ago

I'm liking broot quite a bit. I hit a roadblock when I tried to cd to another location.

1) Is there a way to use cd inside broot?

2) Is there a way to save bookmarks or visited locations and jump between them?

Canop commented 3 months ago

For the 1, you seem to want :focus.

You can use it in the input by typing :fo /var for example.

For the 2, there's no function to add bookmark but you can define shortcuts in your verbs configuration. You can see some exemples in the default configuration:

madprops commented 3 months ago

Thanks that works nicely. I can backup the verbs and add locations when I need to.