Canop / broot

A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
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Put selected path into shell input #878

Closed Nama closed 1 month ago

Nama commented 1 month ago

Hi, would be nice to select a directory or file, run a verb to exit broot and get the path in the input of the terminal to use it with any command and parameters.

Thank you for this awesome project!

Canop commented 1 month ago

@Nama Unless I miss something with your specific use case, it's already possible with the :pp verb.

It's described here:

Nama commented 1 month ago

Ya, I meant something without preparing the command beforehand and using $(bo), but thats good enough. Thank you!

Canop commented 1 month ago

You don't have to prepare anything.

Run nvim $(br) for example, select your file, type :pp (use anything of your choice instead of nvim).