CansenJIANG / deepMatchingGUI

Deep Matching GUI based on Jerome Revaud's Code
MIT License
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Hi~, when I import deepmatching, the error occurs #2

Open htxj opened 6 years ago

htxj commented 6 years ago

Hi~, when I import deepmatching, the error occurs:"ImportError : ./ undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0 ", when I compile the .c file to python module by swig, there is no .so file about deepmatching in current dir. Could you please tell me where to find the .so file, or how to compile deepmatching correctly?

FiredFree commented 6 years ago

hi, I use swig 4.0 to produce python with your deepmatching.i , while it can be compiled successfully , when i import it , it report an error like this
image can you help me ?