Cantera / cantera

Chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport tool suite
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Add support for converting BULK phase definitions from Chemkin input files #1698

Open speth opened 1 month ago

speth commented 1 month ago

Chemkin surface input files allow a bulk (solid) phase to be defined using the BULK keyword. Handling of this keyword is not currently implemented in ck2yaml. Such phase definitions are necessary for mechanisms that have net deposition / ablation reactions.

My interpretation of the Chemkin format is as follows:


For single-species phases, I think these definitions could be interpreted as fixed-stoichiometry phases with constant-volume as the equation-of-state model for the species.

For multi-species phases, I think the best default would be the ideal-solution-VPSS phase model with constant-volume as the equation-of-state model for each species.

Support for writing these phase definitions out when required should also be added to yaml2ck.

Additional context

Issue noted on the Users' Group here, among others.