Cantera / enhancements

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Use Doxygen effectively #179

Closed ischoegl closed 1 year ago

ischoegl commented 1 year ago


While Cantera has a long history of using Doxygen for docstrings, the generated website (and underlying organization) has not seen major updates for some time (little changed since Cantera 1.x). Based on a recent comment it is expected that Doxygen-generated web content will retain some role for the foreseeable future.


There is a large amount of quality documentation contained in Doxygen docstrings. Unfortunately, inadquate organization, as well as the location of details within generated html files, makes this information hard to find. As a result, it is quite hard to get an overview of the organization of the source code, which creates a steep learning curve for anyone wanting to contribute new features implemented in C++.

Compared to the alternative (recreate documentation in Sphinx), updating Doxygen is comparably simple and should be considered the 'low-hanging-fruit' for improvements to Cantera documentation.


Beyond, Doxygen documentation can be improved by increased use of \defgroup / \addtogroup / \ingroup as well as effective use of Doxygen markdown in docstrings and files (which replaces *.dox).

In addition, it is possible to move advanced content to Doxygen


Use Sphinx + breathe/exhale or similar to render Doxygen XML content.

There is no question about Sphinx being the main tool of choice for the creation of user-facing web content. At the same time, it does not appear to be a good use of time to make C++ documentation accessible from Sphinx: Doxygen by itself has powerful - albeit currently underused - features, and Doxygen content can be easily cross-referenced by Sphinx using sphinxcontrib-doxylink. Maintaining a secondary 'Cantera Developer API' website - as has been done since at least Cantera 2.x - is a solution that requires minimal developer resources.
