After exporting my data and then importing, my current war continued as normal, but when I ended that war I found that all of the wars had been reset and I was forced to start over again with the Crickets; even the map I had just finished was not unlocked.
This also lead to my gaining the Cricket Strength mutation. This mutation also moves around in the list of mutations.
Import the attached save data to see an example of the problem; multiple copies of the Cricket Strength mutation are present.
After exporting my data and then importing, my current war continued as normal, but when I ended that war I found that all of the wars had been reset and I was forced to start over again with the Crickets; even the map I had just finished was not unlocked.
This also lead to my gaining the Cricket Strength mutation. This mutation also moves around in the list of mutations.
Import the attached save data to see an example of the problem; multiple copies of the Cricket Strength mutation are present. critter-mound-bug.txt