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Install ORB-SLAM2 & use it with ROS #17

Open oriolorra opened 8 years ago

oriolorra commented 8 years ago

ORB-SLAM2 has been already installed, and it is also working. We can launch it with a 'rosrun'. But once it is running, is not showing any 'rostopic'. It would be nice to implement some simple topics to use them.

I have send an email to the author of ORB-SLAM2 to see if he could give me some advised, how to implement it.

oriolorra commented 8 years ago

After going to a reading group at IRI and talking with Andreu, I have some clear ideas to know how to modify the code of ORB-SLAM2. I am going to modify the ROS example for RGB-D, and I will publish a nav_msgs::Odometry based on the Transformation matrix of camera. With the Transformation Matrix, I could get position and orientation, and then calculate linear and angular velocities.