CanyoneroRobotics / TFM

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Canyonero's chassis #18

Open marcgenevat opened 8 years ago

marcgenevat commented 8 years ago

I'm passing all the designs and redoing all the assemblies with Fusion 360. I really like this cloud-based 3D CAD software and I think it could be very useful to learn and work with this software in this kind of project.

Now I've got all the parts I designed imported in my Fusion 360 Canyonero's project and almost all the necessary parts to build all the system.

I've made the assembly of the chassis so far. Here are some render pictures:

xassis_2016-jul-16_2 xassis_2016-jul-16_3 xassis_2016-jul-16

I'm thinking to add some crossbars aluminum profiles in order to increse its robustness, at least at the bottom part. What do you guys think?

This next week I'll cut and thread all the necessary profiles and build the chassis, so the joints are already tested and work.

At the design part, tomorrow I'd like to design the missing pieces at the motion part, I have almost everything, and assemble it. So maybe next week I'll be able to have the full assembly and start to build the real one and the URDF.

marcgenevat commented 8 years ago

Just cut and thread all the necessary profiles this morning as I planned.


Next steps: Make the necessary holes to the profiles, print the missing profile joints and build the chassis. Hopefully I'll be able to do all of that tomorrow.

I will ask Polpisa if they can provide us the pro-mechanical parts that we need: the double bearing and the shaft coupler. Maybe I'll do the wheel's 8mm shaft by myself.

marcgenevat commented 8 years ago

Today I've could the holes at the "perfil_pilar" and at the "perfil_travesser_horitzontal" and printed the missing joints from the bottom part. So I could already assemble the bottom and the top part:

img_20160719_131640 img_20160719_131616 img_20160719_131550

I went to Polpisa to ask if they can provide us a double bearing and a shaft coupler as ones that we need but they only can provide us maybe the shaft coupler. While I'm still waiting for the price I think I'm going to build it by myself and buy this simple bearing:

I've designed a support to be printed in order to elevate the bearing so it's at the same height with the shaft:


Next steps: Print the joints from the middle part so I can assemble the whole chassis, make the aluminum motor plates with the CNC and finish the design of the motion system, it's almost done.