CapaFenLisesi / 9.Sinif-Fizik-2019-2020

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Chocolate Drops Cookies #19

Open ahmet17eren opened 4 years ago

ahmet17eren commented 4 years ago

ingredients: -an egg -a glass of powdered sugar -a packet of baking powder -butter(250g) -three glass of flour -a packet of vanilla _chocolate drops

Process: First,add an egg,butter(250g),a glass of powdered sugar and mix them.Then,add a packet of baking powder and a packet of vanilla.Mix them.After,put three glass of flour and knead dough.After that,add some chocolate drops.if you love chocolate,you can put very chocolate drops.Knead dough.After, make some small balls from dough and put them in cooking tray.Fİnally,bake it in 180 degrees celcius for 20 minuteand ready for serve.
