CapaFenLisesi / 9.Sinif-Fizik-2019-2020

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Edip Cetinkaya 9/B 210 #35

Open EdipCetinkaya opened 4 years ago

EdipCetinkaya commented 4 years ago

MEATBALL 350 gr. Ground beef 4 potatoes 1 onion 1 egg 2 -3 slices of stale bread Salt Black pepper It is necessary to tied parsley Tomato SAUCE: 1 tablespoon tomato paste Liquid oil 2 glasses of water salt We take our minced meat into the kneading bowl. After we grate our onions, we also break our eggs. We add our bread slices crumbly. You can also spend it on the rondo. We add salt and pepper. If we use it, we wash it, add the finely chopped parsley and start kneading. The more we knead, the better. Then we cut the pieces from our mortar and make meatballs in round or flat form. We lay out our meatballs on a plate. Covering it with stretch film, we rest it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Meanwhile, we peel our potatoes and cut them either round or half moon. We slice our tomatoes in the same way. We grease the bottom of our baking tray a little and arrange them in the form of meatballs, potatoes and tomatoes, respectively. We heat our oven at 200 degrees and give our tray to the oven. We cook this way until our potatoes are soft. In the meantime, we mix two glasses of hot water, tomato paste, salt and about two tablespoons of oil in a bowl and let the tomato dissolve well. We take our tray out of the oven and roll the sauce over it. If the water is low on your eyes, you can add a little more hot water. We put it in the oven again and keep it in the oven until all of our ingredients are cooked beautifully. Then we offer it to the service hot.