CapaFenLisesi / 9.Sinif-Fizik-2019-2020

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Pasta with Tomato Sauce Recipe #7

Open OzgurUnd opened 4 years ago

OzgurUnd commented 4 years ago

Pasta with Tomato Sauce Recipe

Ingredients: 1 pack of pasta 1/2 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoon oil 1 sliced green pepper ½ sliced onion 1 teaspoon black pepper Chopped parsley

Recipe: First, put water in a large pot and add 1/2 tablespoon of salt. Then, bring to a boil on high heat and add the pasta in a pot. Cook the pasta about 10 minutes. After that, drain the pasta. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large pan and cook onion, bell pepper on medium heat until softened. Next, add the sauce in a pan. Finally, cook it about 5-10 minutes.

100 grams include: 14 grams carbohydrate 3 grams protein 2 grams fat 1 gram fiber and it's just 100 kcal


Bon appetit!