Capevace / mission-control

Open-Source JavaScript framework for building real-time dashboards
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Better Plugin API design #25

Closed Capevace closed 3 years ago

Capevace commented 3 years ago
Some experimentation: ```js /** * A file to experiment with different API designs. */ // Server Side Sync module class ServiceController { constructor(name, initialState = {}) { = name; // Service State this.state = initialState; this.handlers = { 'action': { permissions: [], handler } }; autoBind(this); } action(name, options = {}) { options = { handler: () => { throw new Error(`Action '${name}' in service '${}' has no handler`); }, ...options, permissions: [ ['update', 'service', 'any'], ...(options.permissions || []) ] }; if (name in Object.keys(this.handlers)) { throw new Error(`Action handler for '${name}' already exists on service ${}`); } this.handlers[name] = { permissions: options.permissions, handler: options.handler }; // We return the action builder, an easier to use api with lots of helper functions. // let builder = { handler(handler) { if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Action handler for '${}' has to be a function`); } this.handlers[name].handler = handler; return builder; }, requirePermission(crud, resource, scope = 'any') { if (scope !== 'any' || scope !== 'own') { throw new Error(`Permission scope has to be either 'any' or 'own'.`); } this.handlers[name].permissions.push([crud, resource, scope]); return builder; }, requirePermissions(perms) { if (!Array.isArray(perms)) { throw new Error(`You need to pass permissions as an array like this (e.g. [['read', 'user', 'any'], ['update', 'user', 'own']]`) } perms.forEach(permissionArray => builder.permission(...permissionArray)); return builder; } }; return builder; } } //// register action const service = sync.createService('test'); permissions .grant('guest').readAny('video'); permissions .grant('user').createAny('video'); service.action('action:') .requirePermission('create', 'video', 'any') .handler(async (data, context) => { // Custom data filtration const { filter } = permissions.can(context.user.role).createAny('video'); // return some data // filter based on permissions passed to action return context.filter({ test: 1 }); }) //// class ServiceClient { constructor(name, controller) { } subscribe(nameOrCb, cb) { } dispatch(name, data) {} } class CoreService extends { } const RESERVED_SERVICES = ['core']; /** * Sync is the main thing */ class Sync { constructor() { /** * The services that sync manages * @type {Object} */ = { 'core': new Service('core') }; } createService(name) { if (name in { throw new Error(`Service ${name} already exists`); } const service = new Service(name); service.subscribe((state) => {}); return service; } service(name) { if (!(name in { throw new UserError(`Unknown service ${service}`, 404); } const service =[name]; return { dispatch: (...args) => service.dispatch(...args), subscribe: (...args) => service.subscribe(...args) }; } } const sync = ...; io.on((socket) => { socket.on('sync:action', (data, done) => { try { try { const { service, action, data } = validator.validate(Joi.object({ service: Joi.string() .trim() .alphanum() .required(), action: Joi.string() .trim() .alphanum() .required(), data: Joi.object({}).unknown(true) })); } catch (e) { throw new UserError(e.message, 400); } const userRole = socket.user.role; const servicePermissionName = `service:${service}`; // Can access any services const { granted: canReadAnyService } = auth.permissions .can(userRole) .read('service'); if (!canReadAnyService) { throw new UserError(`You don't have the required permissions to access services.`, 403); } // Can access specific service const { granted: canReadService, filter: filterState } = auth.permissions .can(userRole) .read(servicePermissionName); if (!canReadService) { throw new UserError(`You don't have the required permissions to access service '${service}'.`, 403); } // Can const servicePermissionName = composePermissionNameForServiceAction(service); const { granted: canCreateAction, filter: filterActionData } = auth.permissions .can(userRole) .update(servicePermissionName); if (!canCreateAction) { throw new UserError(`You don't have the required permissions to dispatch actions on service '${service}'.`, 403); } const service = sync.service(service); service.dispatch(action, filterActionData(data)); } catch (e) { // Log the error only if it's not a UserError if (!e.isUserError) { logger.error(e); } // We only send the error message to the user // if it's either a UserError or the user has // permission to if (e.isUserError || config.debug && auth.permissions.can('user').read('error', 'any').granted) { return done({ error: { message: e.message, status: e.status || 500 } }); } return done({ error: { message: 'Internal Server Error', status: 500 } }); } }); }) // Client side const sync = require('@sync'); // Core is always subscribed, every Mission Control Dashboard instance gets this state const core = sync.service('core') || sync.core(); const service = sync.service('system-info'); // Check if user can access service try { service.dispatch('action', { shit: '' }); } catch (e) { } const unsubscribe = service.subscribe(() => {}); const unsubscribeText = service.subscribe('cpus.text', (text) => { }); ```
Capevace commented 3 years ago

New API in place and works pretty well.

Needed now:

Capevace commented 3 years ago

Most API features implemented, the few missing get their own issues.

Documentation also still needed, however since the old plugin API has been completely removed, we can close this issue.