Capgemini / mesos-ui

An alternative web UI for Apache Mesos, built with :heart: and React.JS
MIT License
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[Snyk] Fix for 5 vulnerabilities #110

Open snyk-bot opened 4 years ago

snyk-bot commented 4 years ago

Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the npm dependencies of this project.

Changes included in this PR

Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

With an upgrade:
Severity Title Issue ID Breaking Change
medium severity Out-of-bounds Read SNYK-JS-NODESASS-535499 Yes
high severity Out-of-bounds Read SNYK-JS-NODESASS-535501 Yes
high severity Uncontrolled Recursion SNYK-JS-NODESASS-535503 Yes
medium severity Resource Exhaustion SNYK-JS-NODESASS-535504 Yes
high severity NULL Pointer Dereference SNYK-JS-NODESASS-535505 Yes

Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

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