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Implement an easy Starter #6

Closed rhart closed 9 years ago

rhart commented 9 years ago

We should implement a very simple Starter (including example app) just to test out the build and release process as quickly as possible. Even if the Starter is throw away.

rhart commented 9 years ago

I think something like this would be a good first candidate:

public class TraceLoggerConfig {

    public CustomizableTraceInterceptor customizableTraceInterceptor() {
        CustomizableTraceInterceptor customizableTraceInterceptor = new CustomizableTraceInterceptor();
        customizableTraceInterceptor.setEnterMessage("Entering $[methodName]($[arguments])");
        customizableTraceInterceptor.setExitMessage("Leaving  $[methodName](), returned $[returnValue]");
        return customizableTraceInterceptor;

    public Advisor jpaRepositoryAdvisor() {
        AspectJExpressionPointcut pointcut = new AspectJExpressionPointcut();
        pointcut.setExpression("execution(public **(..))");
        return new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(pointcut, customizableTraceInterceptor());


Except we need to generalize the Advisor and allow configuration of the pointcut expression. Or maybe dynamically create advisors based on properties.

andrewharmellaw commented 9 years ago

+1 for that

On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 at 15:44 Rus wrote:

I think something like this would be a good first candidate:

@Configuration @EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass=true) public class TraceLoggerConfig {

public CustomizableTraceInterceptor customizableTraceInterceptor() {
    CustomizableTraceInterceptor customizableTraceInterceptor = new CustomizableTraceInterceptor();
    customizableTraceInterceptor.setEnterMessage("Entering $[methodName]($[arguments])");
    customizableTraceInterceptor.setExitMessage("Leaving  $[methodName](), returned $[returnValue]");
    return customizableTraceInterceptor;

public Advisor jpaRepositoryAdvisor() {
    AspectJExpressionPointcut pointcut = new AspectJExpressionPointcut();
    pointcut.setExpression("execution(public **(..))");
    return new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(pointcut, customizableTraceInterceptor());


Except we need to generalize the Advisor and allow configuration of the pointcut expression. Or maybe dynamically create advisors based on properties.

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craigwilliams84 commented 9 years ago

I'll start working on this by the end of the week.

rhart commented 9 years ago


I think we need a new sub module to house it. Something like spring-boot-diagnostics or something else that nicely describes logging, tracing, metrics etc. But probably not "actuator" :)

Let's tackle it in 3 stages so we can unblock other tasks and iterate it into something that I think will be quite useful actually:

  1. Single Advisor with a configurable pointcut expression. Simple to do but we could end up with a very complex pointcut expression.
  2. Dynamically create multiple Advisor based on properties like method-trace.repository=..... method-trace.cgs=..... method-trace.fgs=...... This will allow many simple expressions.
  3. Allow runtime reload of pointcut expressions. So if we change an expression (or disable one) the app won't require a restart. Not sure how feasible this is at the moment.

Feel free to break this down into smaller tasks if that makes sense. Is probably a good idea so we can show progress easier.

craigwilliams84 commented 9 years ago

Closing this issue and creating new issues for trace logging tasks